The evangelicals I know care about the people and causes that Jesus cared about during his earthly ministry. They may not necessarily fit the narrative that many in the media would like to propagate about our community. I can’t help but think that evangelicals would have a very different image in our larger culture if more people had the opportunity to get to know some of the folks I was surrounded by during the last three days.
We're looking for some people to join us on a mission from God
Our Key Ministry team is looking to assemble a launch team to help the world discover the resources available through Mental Health and the Church. We're looking for friends with access through social media to pastors, church leaders, persons with mental illness and their loved ones who are willing to share their platforms with us to help get the word out to those likely to be most interested in mental health inclusion ministry.
How Chronic Stress and Chronic Grief Can Lead to Chronic Pain
Mental illness didn’t cause the church shooting in Texas
EVIL is the root cause of the mass shooting in Las Vegas, and the shootings in churches in rural Texas, Nashville, and several years ago, at an historically African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina. As a society, we seek to minimize the existence of evil because recognition of evil threatens our shared delusion that any absolute standard of right and wrong exists.
The rising tide of mental health ministry in the church
Mental Health Inclusion: Building Your Church Team
The mental health crisis among persons with autism
Mental Health, Children, Youth, and the Church
"A gateway drug to the devil"
A young wife and teacher nearly ends up dead after following the counsel of a pastor and his wife to stop taking psychiatric medications that were helping her to lead a productive life. This is spiritual abuse.