Mental illness and other limiting conditions can be incredible gifts, allowing us to rightly understand not only our frailty and the brevity of our lives on planet earth, but also the spiritual brokenness that only Christ can repair.
Why church is difficult for persons on the high end of the autism spectrum
Mental Health Ministry Resources at Inclusion Fusion Live
Time to Change the Light Bulb: Turn Your Church on to Mental Health Ministry & Support
Your Disappointment Doesn’t Scare God
God is not put off by your recognition that life is not what you want it to be. He is in it with you, more than you can know. The good news is, he is in the business of redemption, restoration, and re-creation. His good plans will far exceed your wishes. So live in grief for what you have lost, and live in anticipation for what will be. You are blessed.
The stories you’ve shared about mental health and the church
The most troubling aspect of the stories shared by Mary Ann and others is that their experiences reflect poorly upon the character of God as reflected through the words and actions of the church. We can and must do a lot better in sharing Christ's love and the message of the Gospel with our friends and neighbors with mental illness and welcoming them into the fellowship of the church.
Resources for readers of Mental Health and the Church
Now that our model to assist churches in developing a mental health inclusion strategy is publicly available, I'd like to spread the word about some of the tools and resources our Key Ministry team has developed to assist readers serving on ministry teams seeking to implement the ideas presented in the book.