Even though there is no such thing as balance, there is such a thing as balancing, so that we can honor the fact that there is a time for everything. Balancing requires us to work smart, understand and create time for our priorities, and practice peace.
Interrogate Your Assumptions
On a day when I saw several miracles, I was reminded again that I never really know what's happening. My brain insists on thinking the thoughts it has learned to believe. I continue to learn to resist, reframe and redirect my thoughts, so I can see the new thing that's already happening right before my eyes that I’m just not seeing yet.
Pushing Out Into Deep Water as Our Special Needs Kids Become Adults
It’s always easier to stay with what is familiar than to venture out into deep water when we’re already tired, when we feel like we’ve been fishing all night to no avail. Pull in the nets and go home, get a good night’s sleep, and do the same-old same-old tomorrow. But Jesus commands us to throw the nets back in, right here, right now. This is always the turning point: the present moment. Jesus knows what’s out there, waiting for us: abundance, over-flowing abundance.