Step One: Get the Big Picture

Why Your Church Should Have a Mental Health Inclusion Ministry

The Need: Downloadable Mental Health Facts Factsheet - Mental Health in America Factsheet - Mental Health in America Factsheet - Children and Teens Factsheet - Children and Teens Factsheet - Multicultural Factsheet - Multicultural


Biblical Basis and Barriers

Mental illness is considered a ‘hidden disability.’

Mental illness is considered a ‘hidden disability.’

Video Training

Dr. Steve Grcevich discusses recent research on the relationship between mental illness and church attendance, and points churches to an intentional strategy for welcoming and including families impacted by mental illness into the life of the local church.

Janet Parshall issued a powerful call to the church to minister more effectively to persons with mental illness in this keynote presentation from Inclusion Fusion Live 2019, a national disability ministry conference hosted by Key Ministry. She identifies key biblical figures who experienced symptoms of mental illness, challenges church leaders to end their stigmatization of persons with mental health issues and pastors to begin addressing the topic in the course of their preaching.