
Are kids from devoutly Christian families with same-sex attraction at higher risk of suicide?

Are kids from devoutly Christian families with same-sex attraction at higher risk of suicide?

There is no clear evidence growing up in a family with traditional religious beliefs related to sexual expression or attending a church espousing traditional beliefs makes kids any more likely to attempt or commit suicide and overwhelming evidence that teens who delay the onset of sexual activity - gay as well as straight - are much less likely to struggle with suicidal thoughts or behavior.

What we know about kids who sexually offend others

What we know about kids who sexually offend others

I thought it might be helpful to look at the available research into kids and teens who commit sexual offenses to better understand their backgrounds and the impact that treatment may have on reducing their risk of harming other kids in the future.

More questions about the effectiveness of antidepressants in kids

More questions about the effectiveness of antidepressants in kids

The professional community, parents and families hold assumptions about the effectiveness of psychotropic medication, especially medication for depression, that are unrealistic based upon our understanding of the research literature.