
8 Tips to Enhance Communication and Autonomy for Individuals with Disabilities

8 Tips to Enhance Communication and Autonomy for Individuals with Disabilities

Assistive communication technology was a big help for our son through school and his past 15-year work experience. Having limited speech until he was 12, our now 41-year-old son has found that sign language and this simple technology have aided him in better expressing himself. Each individual affected by special needs has various and different needs, abilities, and disabilities. By getting creative, you can tailor solutions specifically for your child to help them express their needs.

Five Depression Hacks For When You are Struggling

Five Depression Hacks For When You are Struggling

I am in a significantly depressed season. Maybe you’re like me. You can give at work, but you cannot give at home. Here are my favorite—and most effective—depression hacks, and I sincerely hope they help you.

Five Reasons Why Love Isn't All You Need

Five Reasons Why Love Isn't All You Need

We all love our children with special needs, caring for them with all the love we have inside of us. While love is the biggest most important thing we have going for us in this unexpected journey, there are indeed other things needed to get us to the finish line! Here are five that have been important to our family.

The Impacts of Special Needs on Siblings

The Impacts of Special Needs on Siblings

Those of us that are the parents of a child with special needs so often put so much of our time, energy and focus into helping that child or young person to thrive and develop as fully as possible. But for many of us, our child with special needs or disability is not our only child.

God's Answer to Mum Guilt

God's Answer to Mum Guilt

There’s always something we can feel guilty about as a Mum. The world around me can make me feel I ought to be and need to be super-Mum. But in the midst of the mundane, God is for me, encouraging me on, loving the very best out of me.