Overwhelmed By Hope?

Written by datc3

April 15, 2022

I’ve been a special needs mom for 21 years now, so I need you to hear what I’m about to say with the trust that those years have earned me, particularly if you’re just starting out or you find yourself in a hard place right now. Being the parent of a child with a disability or special needs is hard. There will be bad moments, bad days and dark seasons. You may be experiencing that right now. However, those should be temporary and be simultaneously intimate and precious times with your Savior. For us believers, “overwhelmed by hope” should be much more common than “overwhelmed by fear.”  

How can I say that? What do I know about your story? Nothing. But I know THE story. The one about eternal perspective & divine grace. I know that peace, strength, and joy have nothing to do with our current circumstances.  

I’m talking right to the one who feels empty and spent. No judgment, I too have felt like that. Lots of times. But here I stand, writing you this note with joy and hope and an expectancy for the future. Picture yourself here: a special needs parent with all the things they are facing, and with the certainty of the promises and glory that the Bible offers to us all.  

Photo credit: Usman Yousaf on Unsplash.com.

You, like I, have a unique testimony. Going through fire and not being consumed by it. Walking through the valley but fearing nothing. It is one of biblical renown and epic victory. We have a choice. Every morning I decide if I am the poor-me-this-is-hard mom or the kick-butt-every-day-by-His-grace mom. 

Whichever you choose, I believe God will be with you and help you all the same. He loves you and is for you, no matter your attitude. But choosing the one that carries a testimony for the world to see is the one with the richest, most amazing reward! Choose life today, sweet friend. Get back up, do it again tomorrow. He will enable and strengthen you each morning.  

Our faith guarantees us permanent access into this marvelous kindness that has given us a perfect relationship with God. What incredible joy bursts forth within us as we keep on celebrating our hope of experiencing God’s glory!
— Romans 5:2

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