Hope & Healing for Special-Needs Parents (our fall course with Hope Anew)

Each of us can remember that moment when we found out our child had special needs. It may have been a doctor coming out to talk with you after the birth. It may have been mother’s intuition, a disclosure on an adoption form, the comment from a teacher, or one of many other scenarios. It was the beginning of different—a different life, a different dream, a different road taken.

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While you are inundated with therapists and doctors of every kind, do you still feel lonely? Do you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders as you daily find yourself in the role of advocate, provider, caregiver, and in survival mode? Do you wonder if anyone gets it? If anyone gets the sleepless nights, the stress of the unknown, the spiritual battle within as you question how a good God could allow this to happen, the weight of wondering if it is somehow your fault, not knowing how the next bill will be paid, and the constant checklist that is playing through your mind as you try to make sure everything is okay?

Imagine a community who gets it. A community made up of parents who have been there. This community exists and we would like to invite you to be a part of it! 

Join Hope Anew’s online Hope & Healing Group this fall. 

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We will kick off on September 21st and will meet for 90 minutes on a weekly basis for 5 weeks. This group will be facilitated by Jonathan and Sarah McGuire. Jonathan and Sarah have a background in biblical studies and counseling, but most importantly are the parents of two boys, the younger of whom has his own special needs. Hosted on the Zoom platform, you will be able to see each other and interact with each other as we discuss:

  • Why God?
  • What Is Chronic Grief?
  • Guilt & Forgiveness
  • What Is a Heart Wound?
  • Healing Hearts

Come join a community who gets it. A community that will help you travel further in your journey toward Christ-centered hope and healing.

When you sign up to learn more, you'll receive emails with more details as we get closer to the kick off date. Be sure to confirm your subscription to the email list and check your spam folder for emails from us!