Why I Support Key Ministry

Key Ministry has had rapid growth over the last three years, but that’s not why it has my support.

Key Ministry has created connections with a large network of like-minded churches and individuals across the United States and around the world, but that’s not why it has my support either.

Key Ministry is leveraging social media and the latest in scientific understanding of disabling conditions, neurological differences and mental illness to provide insights and wisdom to churches and individuals ministering in this space, but that’s not why it has my support either.

Key Ministry has my support because I have been the one who has needed Key Ministry and the work that we do.

When I was a child, my family needed an organization like Key Ministry. When I was a young adult, my pastor needed a Key Ministry so he could help me with my serious depression and anorexia.

A few years later, I needed something like Key Ministry to help me understand what was happening with my friend, who was later diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Before my child was diagnosed with high functioning autism, an organization like Key Ministry, coming alongside my church, could have easily lessened the long road to diagnosis for my family. 

In short, organizations like Key Ministry give people like me much needed information, encouragement, and genuine hope.

Nearly four short years ago, I spent a season in prayer, earnestly seeking what God had for me next. Within six months He made it very clear my future involved mental health ministry, which ultimately led me to Key Ministry. 


A Grim Picture Without Key Ministry

Grim statistics on suicide, drug overdoses, broken marriages and devastating emotional wounds are not just a cause for tears or hasty judgments, they are a call to proactive action by the Church. Yes, personal choices are involved. But when Jesus found such brokenness, He bound up and healed anyway. It was His kindness, and the meeting of individual needs wherever He found them, that led to the spiritual change and sanctification that He desires for His church. It’s up to us, the church of the early 21st century, to do the same. 

Too many people in our culture have little or no solid biblical foundation. When difficulties like disabilities occur, too often the unhealthy reaction causes more damage to an already challenging diagnosis. 

I grew up grounded in faith in Christ, but even that foundation was badly shaken, many times. I don’t want another person or family to struggle like my family has struggled. I certainly don’t want to see families without that grounding in Christ to struggle alone, without organizations like Key Ministry to show them where to get the hope they desperately seek.

Will you help Key Ministry?

Like most of my colleagues, I’m not paid for what I do. None of us are fabulously wealthy; we do what we do as a labor of love. We are frugal, we use inexpensive communication tools as our primary means of educating and equipping. But we can’t do what we do without financial support.

All amounts are appreciated. A gift of $125 covers the cost of one of our monthly disability ministry video roundtable conferences. A gift of $1250 sponsors a regional church training event, or allows a Key Ministry team member to be a presenter at a national disability conference. Key Ministry would love to create endowments for seminary training, curriculum development and scholarships for students in this ministry calling.

Thank you for your support! We look forward to bringing you more insights, ideas, tools and practical strategies in 2019.