The Church, Adoption, Foster Care, and Orphans

Last month I was in Columbus, Ohio for a state-wide training for Ohio's Child Protective Services (CPS). Part of my job as a clinical counselor is working with parents who struggle with substance misuse that may lead to neglect and involve police or CPS, and the perspectives and barriers that come with these agencies. While at this conference, a state-government run program had one booth for an organization called

This organization is designed to serve children in foster care, to get the necessary resources when children are removed from the home for days, months, or even years. Care Portal is a national program, so your state may already formally be sponsoring them, or you may be able to informally help.

This conference got me thinking about how the Church is responding to foster care, and other impacts with foster care and orphans. I know Key Ministry has talked a lot about this on its two blogs. I also love Dr. Grcevich's story of how his church served an orphanage, which led him to start Key Ministry. The Church has resources that some agencies do not, and has the ability to provide additional support for children in the foster care system.

So I decided to do some research and found two sets of things: there are many people out there doing a lot of good work in foster care and adoption, but much of it is either fragmented, or only supported at a local level. Here are some resources that have moved beyond local mission. But this is not a comprehensive list; you definitely need to see what is available in your area. In fact, my church utilizes a program for fostering families that has helped increase the number of families able to foster in our county, but is only available in northeast Ohio. So do your research beyond just these organizations.
As shared above, this Christian ministry helps fulfill the needs of foster kids when they are removed from the home. Currently, they serve in 27 states and through almost 3,000 churches. Care Portal also works with kinship/foster care placements or supports for youth who are aging out of foster care. Here is a video about the organization.

Christian Alliance for Orphans
I was made known of this organization some time ago when Russell Moore talked about his personal experience adopting from an overseas orphanage. CAFO has been raising awareness of orphans for over twenty years through their Orphan Sunday each November. On November 7, 2021, churches can bring awareness about children who are orphans, and the biblical mandate to serve orphans. Here is the video I observed.

Bair Foundation
This foundation partners with select cities in nine different states dedicated to prevent out-of-home placements, and surround families with support and facilitate individual service plans. Bair Foundation also has a heart for focusing on adoption specifically with older children, who tend to fall through the cracks.

Lifeline Children's Services
Through its Christian mission, Lifeline helps families adopt or foster a child ,as well as help families receive counseling services. They also help with Sanctity of Human Life and Mission Kid initiatives.

Bethany Christian Services
Bethany helps with foster care and adoption, but I was first introduced to them through their pregnancy support initiatives. They also provide refugee care. They are involved in 30 states in the United States, as well as seven other countries.

These are just some of the resources available, but I'd love to hear about some of the ones you are personally involved with, or have seen used in your community.

Jeremy Smith is a clinical mental health counselor in Ohio and founder of