
The Case for an Impacted Pastor: Four Reasons Why You Need Church Leaders with Disabilities

The Case for an Impacted Pastor: Four Reasons Why You Need Church Leaders with Disabilities

So, you don’t know me, but I’m a pastor. God called me to ministry about five years ago. Like most of us, I never would’ve seen it coming. There are a dozen reasons why nobody would want to use me and those are all the reasons why God chose me.

Seven Ways to Help People with Traumatic Brain Injuries Thrive in Your Church

 Seven Ways to Help People with Traumatic Brain Injuries Thrive in Your Church

I have the most amazing baby sister. She is goofy, loud, opinionated, and hard-headed. She makes me laugh and she drives me completely insane. My sister has a traumatic brain injury (TBI). She needs accommodations to be successful, especially in the church. These accommodations can help almost anyone with a TBI.