
How Do We Respond to God’s Call to the Marginalized?

How Do We Respond to God’s Call to the Marginalized?

Misty, the beautiful puppy was so willing to learn. But when she matured into her doggy teens, she would decide whether it was important to obey or not. Misty reminded me of how we can respond to the call of God, particularly with ministry to the marginalized.

Important Changes Prompted By The Coronavirus Pandemic

Important Changes Prompted By The Coronavirus Pandemic

In the UK, where I live, there are stories of people being kind and helpful to the old, lonely and vulnerable. Those in distress from the coronavirus are being supported. For a long time, many in the Church have been crying out to God for justice for the poor, the oppressed, the marginalized and those who are often discriminated against, such as those with disabilities. It has taken a pandemic for us to realize that we all need to change.