
Reflecting on Disability Ministry Strengths and Opportunities

Reflecting on Disability Ministry Strengths and Opportunities

A few years ago, a church leadership network where I am involved spent time in a reflection specific to the disability culture in their churches. The tool we used proved helpful in taking an honest and vision-refining look at things. My prayer is that it spurs some meaningful reflection among leaders and strengthens churches as places of belonging for individuals and families living with disability.

Four Insights from Paul's Prayer Requests for Disability Ministry

Four Insights from Paul's Prayer Requests for Disability Ministry

Any of us involved in disability ministry have a vision to see people with disabilities living out their divine vocation, but that vision often feels fraught with all kinds of barriers. As I have been reading through Paul’s letters, I have been struck by the regularity with which Paul asks for prayer. Here are four things we can glean from Paul’s prayer requests and how these should shape our own prayer requests, particularly as we carry out our disability ministries.

The New Normal

The New Normal

What will life be like after COVID-19? Should we go back to the old normal, how things were before lockdown? What should change? What might change? Do we want change? Can we go back to how things were before?