Reverse inclusion is a class designed for teens and young adults with disabilities that invites typical teenagers and young adults in for the purpose of friendship. It’s for teens like my son James who wouldn’t enjoy being part of our youth group. That environment isn’t safe for him and the curriculum doesn’t fit his needs. So instead we’ve created a class that is a good fit for him and our other teenagers! Listen to this podcast to hear about our strategies to make reverse inclusion work for you and your church!
Confidence in Knowing God Will Finish What He Starts: Podcast Episode 077
In this week’s episode, Garett shares a follow up story on a message from a previous episode while also discussing how the apostle Paul’s words of encouragement to the church at Philippi should also be a message of encouragement to anyone on the journey to take the hope of Jesus Christ and the love of his church to the special needs community.
Why the Home Group Model Is Challenging for Families Caring for Someone with a Disability: Podcast Episode 074
An Opening for Ministry Through Death's Door: Podcast Episode 073
A Chat with Joan Borton on MarriageAbility: Podcast Episode 071
Ten Books for Disability Ministry Leaders: Podcast Episode 70
Five Truths of Disability Theology: Podcast Episode 069
Knowing and understanding what the Bible says about disability is pivotal as we strive to be better equipped for the lifelong journey with our friends and families in the disability community. In this week’s episode, Garett discusses the topic of disability theology while focusing on a few verses from Scripture that have been helpful for him and his family.
Four Aspects of Protection to Help Find Your Ministry Purpose - Podcast EP 068
Planning for Safety: Podcast Episode 067
What the Church Can Learn from the Disability Community
As a senior pastor, I often tell my congregation, the church is “the ongoing witness of Jesus Christ in a broken and hurting world.” When we think about the church and the disability community, we often think about what the disability community needs from the church. I wonder, though, what does the church need from the disability community?