Elaina sits down with Andrea Roseman from Access Ministry to discuss the wins of 2024, the changes she wants to make in 2025, and the way the Lord is working in and through Access Ministry.
The Case for Supporting Key Ministry
The training, content, gatherings and experiences that we’ve created for pastors, church staff and ministry volunteers produced with the assistance of like-minded colleagues serving in disability ministry have become our principal service. So much of what we’re able do to help churches welcome and support families, we accomplish by bringing together experts from other ministry organizations.
New Operations Director! An Interview with Larah Roberts: Podcast Episode 115
Accessible Bible Story Instruction with Cortney Jenkins and Laura Deeken: Podcast EP 107
One of the biggest challenges in inclusive ministry is meeting the needs of diverse learners. Today on the podcast, Sandra interviews Cortney Jenkins from Awe & Wonder and Laura Deeken from The Adapted Word about easy ways to make our lessons more accessible and about the resources they provide to help support every student in your ministry.
Book Club Chat 3 with Steve Grcevich & Lamar Hardwick: Podcast EP 106
Dr. Steve Grcevich sits down and interviews Dr. Lamar Hardwick on his new book How Ableism Fuels Racism. This is the final part of a 3-part series.
Online Connection for Disability Ministry Leaders: Podcast Episode 104
Inclusive and Engaging Teaching Models: Podcast Epsiode 095 with Sandra Peoples Tracy McElhatten
Family Care Plans: Podcast Episode 091
The Power of Perspective and Flexibility in Ministry: Podcast Episode 090
In this week’s episode, Garett reflects on how life experiences shape our ministry perspectives while looking at the importance of being flexible in ministry with the goal of reaching more people with the hope of Jesus. He encourages us consider and embrace a ministry approach similar to that of the four friends who found a way to take their paralyzed friend to Jesus rather than allowing our preferences to dictate how we operate our churches.
Putting Off and Putting On: Dealing with Ministry Envy
As a disability ministry leader, do you ever feel like you are caught up in a “Bigger or Better Party?” Do you find yourself comparing the ministry God has given to you with the ministry work of others? Have you ever found yourself longing for your ministry work to be bigger or better? Or, perhaps, both bigger and better? Steph Hubach writes on ministry envy, and how we should put on love.