Mental Health is Everybody’s Job: An Interview with Dr. Adam Wilson: Podcast Episode 118

Mental Health is Everybody’s Job: An Interview with Dr. Adam Wilson: Podcast Episode 118

In today’s podcast, Dr. Adam Wilson from Denver Seminary joins Catherine Boyle to share about the work he and others within the seminary have done around mental health support within Christian schools. Dr. Wilson believes that mental health is everybody’s job, whether you are a parent, teacher, ministry leader, or friend. Take a listen and read the transcript of this insightful conversation.

Why Should I Attend MHATC2024? Part 2: The Trauma Specialists

Why Should I Attend MHATC2024? Part 2: The Trauma Specialists

Key Ministry’s first Mental Health and the Church conference is September 26 - 27, 2024. In Part 1 of this series, we learned about one group of conference speakers who have expertise in and will present on approaches and resources that have been tailored to meet relationship and discipleship needs, all related to mental health. Today's group of speakers are all experts in one important topic: trauma healing. Learn more about each of them and the unique strategies, resources and approaches each bring to MHATC2024.

Why Should I Attend MHATC2024? Part 1: The Professors

Why Should I Attend MHATC2024? Part 1: The Professors

As we’re gearing up for Key Ministry’s first Mental Health and the Church conference, it’s natural to wonder about the difference between DATC and MHATC, and why we felt the need to host a second event this year. Today, we start a blog series introducing you to select MHATC speakers who have expertise in and will present on approaches and resources that have been tailored to meet relationship and discipleship needs, all related to mental health.

The Kairos Time for Your Mental Health Ministry: Podcast Episode 109

The Kairos Time for Your Mental Health Ministry: Podcast Episode 109

Do you struggle with God’s timing? Do you have a ministry dream that you don’t know how to get started? The Mental Health and the Church conference may be just the place and time where God will bring your dreams into focus.