Mental Health

The Gospel and Depression

The Gospel and Depression

I speak about depression. I write books. But shame exists deep within. Part of the reason (outside of the battle of the mind), is that the stigma is alive in churches. “You are less spiritual than others,’ my illness whispers in my ear. “You can’t be a Christian and depressed,” I believe the enemy chimes in.

Helping Our Children Decrease Their Anxiety This Summer

Helping Our Children Decrease Their Anxiety This Summer

Summer time is full of new opportunities for fun and adventure, but it can also be filled with anxiety for our kids who prefer the comfort of routines. There are steps we can take as parents to help our kids decrease their anxiety levels and enjoy the fun of summer!

Why the church doesn't "get" mental illness

Why the church doesn't "get" mental illness

I suspect that much of the church's struggle to "get" mental illness, and in turn to minister effectively and compassionately with persons with mental illness is rooted in our understanding of how much control we have over our thoughts and our behavior.


What if Mom is depressed?

What if Mom is depressed?

Isn't it possible, if not likely that God uses afflictions such as depression to draw those he loves into a closer relationship with him. The church should help persons suffering from depression through pointing them to Christ and demonstrating Christ's love for them in tangible ways.

The suicide epidemic among high functioning persons with autism

The suicide epidemic among high functioning persons with autism

Adults with autism and no intellectual disability are over nine times more likely to commit suicide when compared to their age-matched peers.

Is past experience of church a barrier for persons with mental illness and their families?

Is past experience of church a barrier for persons with mental illness and their families?

I suspect that past experiences of church may be a major barrier to current church involvement for many adults with a history of mental illness or parents of children or teens with significant mental health conditions.

We're starting a new group for leaders in mental health inclusion ministry

We're starting a new group for leaders in mental health inclusion ministry

Our crew at Key Ministry is starting a Facebook group for leaders interested in advancing the cause of mental health inclusion ministry.

The Sandy Hook shootings...a look back

The Sandy Hook shootings...a look back

The root cause of the massacre in Newtown…as well as the massacres in Chardon, Aurora, Virginia Tech and Columbine is a fundamental problem of the evil in the human heart. You’ve never seen anyone who displays the fruits of the Spirit shooting up a school or crashing planes into buildings.