
Finding Hope When Caregiving Stress Leads to Faith and Mental Health Struggles

Finding Hope When Caregiving Stress Leads to Faith and Mental Health Struggles

When I learned my daughter would be born with a more severe genetic disorder than my son’s, the news devastated me. After her birth, I began to experience debilitating symptoms of PTSD. Months later, I made what should have been a lethal suicide attempt. My case was extreme, but is it that uncommon for caregivers to experience clinical mental health conditions?

The Remarkable Strength of Persons with Mental Illness

The Remarkable Strength of Persons with Mental Illness

Whenever a group or congregation is talking about mental illness, there is a tendency to want to help the helpless. We are the powerful ones who can make a difference. As a result of my years of counseling, I saw myself as weak. But over the last year or so, the language I use about my ability has changed. I am no longer weak. I am resilient, remarkably resilient.