
Practical Tips for Effective Prayer Ministry for Caregivers and their Families

Practical Tips for Effective Prayer Ministry for Caregivers and their Families

Prayer ministry can be intimidating when the recipients of our caring are faced with complicated circumstances. But nothing is too complicated for God. Here are some practical tips for effective prayer ministry, for both small groups and your church.

Tips for Parents to Talk With Kids About Mental Health

Tips for Parents to Talk With Kids About Mental Health

I believe Christian parents and church leaders have a responsibility to educate youth in many areas of life, not to hide and protect them, but to empower and equip them as they grow. One area where kids need equipping should be mental health. Here are seven tips on how to talk with kids about mental illness.

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Steps for Youth Ministry

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Steps for Youth Ministry

“Adverse Childhood Experiences” is the new focus of clinical mental health and psychology. At its essence, research has found a high correlation between childhood trauma and environmental instability that leads to numerous mental health, medical, social, academic, and career problems. It is evident that part of the solution needs to be with the Church, specifically youth ministry. Here are some ideas.