
Caregivers, Mental Health, and Mobilizing Church Support: An Interview with Jess Ronne Part 2

 Caregivers, Mental Health, and Mobilizing Church Support: An Interview with Jess Ronne Part 2

Unseen: How We’re Failing Parent Caregivers and Why It Matters made its global online premiere May 20. This is part 2 of the in-depth questions we posed to Jess Ronne to help our readers better understand the issues raised in the documentary and how churches can be supportive of caregiving families. Read part 1 here.

Defined by Trauma or Defined by Christ?

Defined by Trauma or Defined by Christ?

I have PTSD from a very traumatic childhood. I have a testimony that shocks people. But we have all experienced traumas. We must stop using other people’s trauma to define ourselves. Here’s why.

Hope for Troubled Minds: How Intercessory Prayer May Help Mental Illness

Hope for Troubled Minds: How Intercessory Prayer May Help Mental Illness

Guest blogger Tony Roberts shares some of his experiences of living with bipolar disorder, including how he has learned to move beyond his brain’s single-minded focus with the discipline of intercessory prayer.

Traditional churches and the mental health system…Irreconcilable differences?

Traditional churches and the mental health system…Irreconcilable differences?

Can the church and the mental health system work together? And sadly, I'm coming to suspect the answer to that question is long as that church adheres to traditional church teaching and Biblical interpretation of texts addressing human sexuality.