Mental Health Ministry Leaders in the Church


@melboudreau ‏ Melanie Boudreau is the mother of two children with psychiatric disorders and the author of Toppling the Idol of Ideal: Raising Children with Hidden Disabilities.

@CatherineSBoyle ‏ Catherine Boyle is Mental Health Ministry Director for Key Ministry. Prior to joining Key Ministry, Catherine was President and Founder of Outside In Ministries, an organization that helped educate, equip and empower churches to bring the mentally ill into the body of Christ.

@drgrcevich  Stephen Grcevich MD serves as the founder and President of Key Ministry. He is a child and adolescent psychiatrist who combines over 25 years of knowledge gained through clinical practice and teaching with extensive research experience with medications prescribed to children and teens for ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Dr. Grcevich has been a presenter at over 35 national and international medical conferences and is a past recipient of the Exemplary Psychiatrist Award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). He regularly blogs at Church4EveryChild and frequently speaks at national and international ministry conferences on mental health and spiritual development.

@BradHambrick ‏ Brad Hambrick serves as the Pastor of Counseling at The Summit Church in Durham, NC. He also serves as Instructor of Biblical Counseling at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a council member of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. His approach to Biblical counseling is characterized by a balanced perspective on how the gospel speaks to both sin and suffering.

@bradhoefs  Brad Hoefs‏ was serving as senior pastor of one of the largest Missouri Synod Lutheran churches in the U.S. in the mid 1990s when he lost his job in the aftermath of an episode of bipolar disorder, a condition that runs in his family. He was subsequently called to pastor a church started by a core group of families impacted by mental illness and identified the need that led him to launch Fresh Hope, an international network of Christian support groups for those who have a mental health diagnosis and for their loved ones. 

@jonathanholmes ‏ Jonathan Holmes is the Founder and Executive Director of Fieldstone Counseling. He also serves as the Pastor of Counseling for Parkside Church Bainbridge and Green. Jonathan graduated from The Master’s College with degrees in Biblical Counseling and History and his M.A. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is the author of The Company We Keep and Counsel for Couples, as well as the forthcoming book Rescue Plan (2020, P&R).

@GillianMarchenk ‏ Gillian Marchenko is an author, national speaker, wife, mother, and an advocate for individuals with mental illness and special needs. She has written for many publications including Chicago Parent, Thriving Family, and Today’s Christian Woman. She is the author of Sun Shine Down, in which she describes her journey through various therapies and medications to find a way to live with depression.

@jolenephilo ‏ Jolene Philo left teaching after 25 years as an elementary teacher who welcomed kids with special needs into her classroom to begin writing and speaking. She’s published four books for the special needs community, most recently Does My Child Have PTSD? What to Do When Your Child Is Hurting from the Inside Out.

@KellyMRosati ‏ Kelly Rosati serves as the Vice President of Advocacy for Children at Focus on the Family, where she serves as the ministry spokesperson on child advocacy issues. Her team’s mission at Focus on the Family is to raise awareness of and recruit adoptive families for waiting children and youth in foster care. She is a frequent public speaker on the topics of the sanctity of human life and adoption and orphan care.

@jcnjmama ‏ Shannon Royce is the former chief of staff at the Family Research Council. She currently serves as the Director of the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She has been a long-time champion for mental health causes within the Southern Baptist Convention.

@aresimpson ‏ Amy Simpson is a creative professional and a former publishing executive who was raised in a family affected by serious mental illness, Amy is a gifted communicator who has authored the award-winning books Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church’s Mission and Anxious: Choosing Faith in a World of Worry. She also serves as an editor-at-large for Christianity Today’s and is a regular contributor for various publications.

@rhetter  Rhett Smith is a licensed marriage and family therapist (MDIV, MSMFT), author and speaker, in private practice in Plano, TX. Rhett is the author of The Anxious Christian: Can God Use Your Anxiety for Good?  and records a weekly podcast focused on living a more thriving life.

@edstetzer ‏ Ed Stetzer currently serves as the Billy Graham Chair of Church, Mission, and Evangelism at Wheaton College and Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center. While serving as the Executive Director of LifeWay Research he helped develop studies examining attitudes and beliefs about mental illness in the church. As a contributing editor for Christianity Today Ed frequently addresses topics that advance awareness of mental health-related issues in the church.

@colleenswindoll ‏ Colleen Swindoll-Thompson serves at Insight for Living Ministries as the director of the Reframing Ministries department. “Reframing” is essentially the transforming process of learning to love and be loved by God, and then listening, accepting, and following God in our daily lives. She speaks openly about her family’s experience with mental illness and her personal experiences raising a son with special needs.

@OCDMitzi ‏  Mitzi VanCleve is a mother and an author with a very powerful witness of how God has provided her with grace and strength through her personal experience with OCD and Social Anxiety Disorder. She’s recently launched a new blog, The OCD Christian to offer hope and encouragement to others experiencing similar struggles. Her self-published book, Strivings Within-The OCD Christian is available at Amazon.

@KayWarren1   Kay Warren is best known for more than 10 years as a tireless advocate for those living with mental illness, HIV&AIDS, and the orphaned and vulnerable children left behind. Kay is the co-founder of Saddleback Church with her husband, Rick. She has written for Christianity TodayPurpose Driven, and The Washington Post; and has been featured in NewsweekReader’s DigestGuidepostsSojournersPOZ, and Today’s Christian Woman magazines, among others.

@RickWarren ‏  Rick Warren is the innovative founding pastor of Saddleback Church and the author of The Purpose Driven Life. The ministries Pastor Rick has created are a multi-faceted expression of his heart to bring the whole gospel to the whole world. He and his wife (Kay) have been the most visible advocates for increased mental health awareness in the church following the tragic death of their son, Matthew.

@KimberlieMFT ‏  Kimberlie Zakarian is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has been working with families for the past twenty-two years in counseling, community and church settings. She is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary and has been a columnist for the Los Angeles Times.