In this week’s episode, Garett reflects on how life experiences shape our ministry perspectives while looking at the importance of being flexible in ministry with the goal of reaching more people with the hope of Jesus. He encourages us consider and embrace a ministry approach similar to that of the four friends who found a way to take their paralyzed friend to Jesus rather than allowing our preferences to dictate how we operate our churches.
An Interview with Lamar Hardwick on How Ableism Fuels Racism: Podcast Episode 089
Putting Off and Putting On: Dealing with Ministry Envy
As a disability ministry leader, do you ever feel like you are caught up in a “Bigger or Better Party?” Do you find yourself comparing the ministry God has given to you with the ministry work of others? Have you ever found yourself longing for your ministry work to be bigger or better? Or, perhaps, both bigger and better? Steph Hubach writes on ministry envy, and how we should put on love.
My 3 Favorite Things About Night To Shine Podcast Episode: 087
Welcome to Disability Ministry… What Would You Say You Do Here? Podcast Episode 085
Why We're Supporting the Identity Project
We’re supporting this project because persons with disabilities are disproportionately represented among children and adults who embrace non-traditional gender identities and leaders serving in disability or mental health ministry will greatly benefit from a deep understanding of gender and sexuality from a Biblical perspective.
Perseverance Needed in Disability Ministry
Shannon Blosser talks about New Years Resolutions and the challenges of starting up a Disability Ministry. Like many resolutions it can be hard to stick with it after the New Years glitter wears off, and Disability Ministry is not much different. Disability Ministry takes perseverance, and being willing to do things differently in order to have a more Christ-centered church.
Ministry Goals for 2024: Podcast Episode 082
Mary, Ministry Purpose and You: Podcast Episode 080
This blog post and podcast episode are being published shortly before Christmas, 2023. I love the Christmas music that is sung and shared this time of year. Recently, one song in particular got me thinking about Jesus’ mother Mary. Do you think Mary realized that in addition to being the mother of His Son, that she had her own ministry purpose? Stay tuned to hear what we can glean from Mary’s life that can help you find God’s ministry purpose for you, in a life that includes disabilities.
Five Things to Try When You're Bummed Out or Burned Out in Disability Ministry: Podcast Episode 079
Have you ever planned an event and it wasn’t the success you thought it would be? Or maybe you are feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list even though it’s work that God has called you to? Beth has five strategies to share that just might help if you are in a season of being bummed out or burned out. She will provide words of encouragement and some practical steps to get you back on track and, hopefully, in a healthy and productive place.