Much of our focus this fall has been on development of new strategies for advancing disability ministry in an environment where established church leaders are struggling to maintain their existing ministries with more demands, fewer volunteers and less money. I’ll share some of those ideas in my next post. Here’s what we’ve been able to accomplish thus far in 2021.
Is Christianity Today Missing the Real Crisis of Mental Health and Church Attendance?
Encouraging Signs Regarding Mental Health and the Church
Live and IN PERSON – Announcing #IFL2021
Inclusion Fusion Live, the disability ministry conference we’ve hosted annually is currently scheduled to take place as a live and “in person” event on Saturday, April 17th, originating from Bay Presbyterian Church in suburban Cleveland. The theme of this year’s conference is doing ministry together after the pandemic.
Recognizing a modern-day Daniel
More evidence churches are ESSENTIAL to mental health during COVID-19
Twenty ways our Key Ministry team made a difference in 2020
Our ministry plans for 2020 went out the window when church doors closed across the country as we learned the meaning of social distancing. But in reviewing the accomplishments of the team in 2020, it’s hard not to argue that Beth, Catherine, and the rest of the team had their most impactful year of ministry ever.