
Six Reasons Church Leaders are Struggling (And How You Can Help): Podcast Episode 021

Six Reasons Church Leaders are Struggling (And How You Can Help): Podcast Episode 021

In this episode, Lamar Hardwick shares six reasons why church leaders, especially those in disability and mental health ministry, may be struggling and how your church family can help them.

Appreciating our pastors during Mental Illness Awareness Week

Appreciating our pastors during Mental Illness Awareness Week

These findings tell us that we need to reverse course and consider how to attend to the mental health of pastors themselves.

Six Reasons Why Pastors are Really Hurting, and How You Can Help

Six Reasons Why Pastors are Really Hurting, and How You Can Help

Depression and anxiety are real challenges for many people; pastors are no different. The reality that most people will never know is that the calling to be a pastor comes with a hefty price tag. I cannot speak for all pastors, so I will speak for myself and for those whom I personally know who struggle, while watching over the souls of others. Maybe by sharing this way, we can get to the heart of why many pastors are hurting, especially during this difficult time.

Moving from Darkness to Light with God’s Word and a Crisis Helpline

Moving from Darkness to Light with God’s Word and a Crisis Helpline

Isolation has affected all of us. Racial tensions, struggles, and division in our country has affected everyone in America. We are all a little broken right now. As a pastor, it is hard to build up people when you cannot function. Recently, the amount of mental strain it costs me to function “normally” and put on a brave face is extreme. But I have returned to the point that I can rely on what I know instead of what I feel. Here’s how you can, too.

How pastors can support mental health in the age of COVID-19.

How pastors can support mental health in the age of COVID-19.

A Barna study reported only 30 percent of pastors feel well-equipped to help their people deal with matters of mental or emotional health.

5 Ways Pastors Can Support Counselors

5 Ways Pastors Can Support Counselors

Why is it important for pastors to support counselors? Because 25 percent of people go first to a member of the clergy for a mental health need. Pastors need support from professional counselors. If this relationship is strengthened, you will better support your community in the long run.

Waking a Sleepy Church: The Urgent Need for Mental Health Ministry

Waking a Sleepy Church: The Urgent Need for Mental Health Ministry

Janet Parshall issued a powerful call to the church to minister more effectively to persons with mental illness in this keynote presentation from Inclusion Fusion Live 2019, a national disability ministry conference hosted by Key Ministry. She identifies key biblical figures who experienced symptoms of mental illness, challenges church leaders to end their stigmatization of persons with mental health issues and pastors to begin addressing the topic in the course of their preaching.