
Perseverance Needed in Disability Ministry

Perseverance Needed in Disability Ministry

Shannon Blosser talks about New Years Resolutions and the challenges of starting up a Disability Ministry. Like many resolutions it can be hard to stick with it after the New Years glitter wears off, and Disability Ministry is not much different. Disability Ministry takes perseverance, and being willing to do things differently in order to have a more Christ-centered church.

Ministry Goals for 2024: Podcast Episode 082

Ministry Goals for 2024: Podcast Episode 082

Let’s kick off the new year by setting some goals for our churches! In this episode, Sandra Peoples shares 24 goals for you to consider. You can reach more in 2024 with these ideas for strengthening and growing your ministry!

Resolving to Experience God’s Blessings in the New Year : Podcast Episode 081

Resolving to Experience God’s Blessings in the New Year : Podcast Episode 081

In this week’s episode, Garett helps us close the book on 2023 and open the door on 2024 by reflecting on the year that was, by looking at God’s Word for guidance on where we’re going in the year ahead and sharing some practical action points as we seek to faithfully follow the Holy Spirit in the new year.

Five Things to Try When You're Bummed Out or Burned Out in Disability Ministry: Podcast Episode 079

Five Things to Try When You're Bummed Out or Burned Out in Disability Ministry: Podcast Episode 079

Have you ever planned an event and it wasn’t the success you thought it would be? Or maybe you are feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list even though it’s work that God has called you to? Beth has five strategies to share that just might help if you are in a season of being bummed out or burned out. She will provide words of encouragement and some practical steps to get you back on track and, hopefully, in a healthy and productive place.

Reverse Inclusion: Our Teen and Young Adult Class: Podcast Episode 078

Reverse Inclusion: Our Teen and Young Adult Class: Podcast Episode 078

Reverse inclusion is a class designed for teens and young adults with disabilities that invites typical teenagers and young adults in for the purpose of friendship. It’s for teens like my son James who wouldn’t enjoy being part of our youth group. That environment isn’t safe for him and the curriculum doesn’t fit his needs. So instead we’ve created a class that is a good fit for him and our other teenagers! Listen to this podcast to hear about our strategies to make reverse inclusion work for you and your church!

Planning for Safety: Podcast Episode 067

Planning for Safety: Podcast Episode 067

In today’s episode, Beth poses the question: do your volunteers know the plan if there’s an emergency situation in the church building such as a fire or an armed intruder? Does your church have a plan? Now is the time to create a plan that we hope and pray you’ll never need to implement.

4 Steps for Success for Ministry Volunteers: Podcast Episode 066

4 Steps for Success for Ministry Volunteers: Podcast Episode 066

As ministry leaders, we are responsible for a team of volunteers. There are four steps we can take to help them feel successful in their role. In this episode, Sandra will share those four steps so we can support our volunteers and help them feel equipped and empowered in their ministry callings.

Six Reasons Church Leaders are Struggling (And How You Can Help): Podcast Episode 021

Six Reasons Church Leaders are Struggling (And How You Can Help): Podcast Episode 021

In this episode, Lamar Hardwick shares six reasons why church leaders, especially those in disability and mental health ministry, may be struggling and how your church family can help them.

God’s Plan for My Family and Lifelong Ministry for the Disability Community: Podcast Episode 048

God’s Plan for My Family and Lifelong Ministry for the Disability Community: Podcast Episode 048

Effective ministry for the disability community is one that is built on the belief that your church can and should be pursuing lifelong family ministry for our friends and families impacted by disability. Through his journey as the father of a child with disabilities, Garett Wall has experienced how God does the equipping for ministry and he loves encouraging churches to be more prepared for lifelong family ministry for families like his. In this week’s episode, Garett shares how God’s plan for him and his family came full circle through one of the families at his church.

Teaching Biblical Discernment for Children of All Abilities

Teaching Biblical Discernment for Children of All Abilities

As we move from a knowledge-hungry world to one saturated with information, it is more important than ever to stop teaching children lots of memorized facts—but instead, instill them with the ability to discern information with wisdom. I also believe that even children with learning challenges and disabilities can cultivate discernment, especially as we show them through our examples and teach them to lean into the Holy Spirit for help.