
Unique Approaches to Mental Health Ministry that Might Work Well in Your Chu

Unique Approaches to Mental Health Ministry that Might Work Well in Your Chu

Mental health ministry might mean your church is providing support groups or training, but it might mean stepping out to creatively meet a unique need in your church or local community.

Mental Health Ministry Trends

Mental Health Ministry Trends

Churches across the US are increasingly implementing mental health ministry. Three characteristics of successful mental health ministry initiatives are collaboration, cultural competence and a call to action.

Traditional churches and the mental health system…Irreconcilable differences?

Traditional churches and the mental health system…Irreconcilable differences?

Can the church and the mental health system work together? And sadly, I'm coming to suspect the answer to that question is long as that church adheres to traditional church teaching and Biblical interpretation of texts addressing human sexuality.

The mental health crisis among persons with autism

The mental health crisis among persons with autism

Perhaps one of the reasons the church has struggled to effectively minister with many persons with autism spectrum disorders is that we don't do a very good job of welcoming and including children and adults with mental health-related challenges common among persons with autism? 

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook and church

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook and church

FAKE NEWS ALERT: Mark Zuckerberg never claimed that Facebook would take the place of church. But he did give a speech a couple of weeks ago that ought to spur lots of thought and conversation among those who recognize the transcendent value of Christian community.