Scriptures for Overcoming 15 Lies, Fears, and Doubts

When we go through dark, lonely times it’s easy for our thinking to get cloudy, to forget the things we know, and to get confused. It’s easy to start believing lies instead of truth.

During my doubting, fighting-daily-for-faith years, I started a list of thoughts I struggled with and Bible verses that I could go to in order to combat those lies or struggles. This was nothing formal or beautifully done, just a long, narrow sheet of paper torn from my magnetic grocery list pad.

When I came across a verse that spoke to me and could help with a thought I struggled with, I’d jot down the thought and the coordinating verse reference. I left it in my Bible so it was handy to add to it. As it grew over months and years, I had my own personalized list of lie-combatting, confusion-clearing, truth-telling, uplifting Scriptures.


Here is my list; maybe you struggle with some of the same thoughts I did and you’ll find some of these helpful. Some were quite personal and aren’t normally references I would associate the with topic, but the day I read them, it was clear God’s Holy Spirit was speaking it to me, so I put it on my list.

1. I am valuable – Matthew 10: 30-31; Isaiah 43:4; Zephaniah 3:17
2. It’s more than I can bear. I can’t do it (overwhelmed, inadequate, worn out) – Zechariah 4:6, Deuteronomy 31:8, Psalm 37:5, 2 Corinthians 1:8-9; Isaiah 43:2
3. God may not watch out for me in this situation – Haggai 2:19, 23
4. Troubled, worried, stressed – John 14:1
5. Overwhelmed by evil or suffering – Philippians 4:8
6. In need of help – Isaiah 30:18
7. God has forgotten me – Isaiah 40:27; Isaiah 46:18b-19; Isaiah 49:14-16
8. If I seek God, I’ll find God – Isaiah 65:24
9. God isn’t in charge of this world – Daniel 4:17, 25, 32
10. Worried about needs – Matthew 6: 33, Romans 8:32; Isaiah 65:24; Philippians 4:19
11. God always hears me – John 11:41, 42
12. Not sure what to do – Psalm 32:8
13. I’m broken – 2 Corinthians 1:8-9
14. God isn’t listening or acting – Matthew 6:8, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Luke 11:9, 10
15. It’s useless to pray – James 5:16

None of us are perfectly the same. Satan is good at finding our vulnerable spots and the lies that will have the greatest power in our lives. I encourage you to start your own list and let God speak His truth into your life.

Sarah McGuire is the Mom of two boys and co-founder of Hope Anew, a nonprofit that guides parents to Christ-centered hope and healing. You can follow Hope Anew on Facebook here. You can also check out Hope Anew’s Online Community here!