Parents of children living with disability or complex medical conditions find themselves needing to recruit an army of resources and a robust system of supports. But asking for help can be so painful. An invitation-without-obligation approach to asking for help can offer valuable insight for our situations.
Three Strategies to Self-Pity Proof Your Caregiving
As a writer, blogger and author, I’m well acquainted with the rigors, frustrations and chronic disappointment associated with creating content, getting published, and the awkward process of marketing one’s own material. I am also mom to an adult daughter with complex health and developmental needs. Like other writers and moms of children with disabilities, I’ve fallen prey to negative messages and self-pity. Inspired by Lori Stanley Roeleveld’s strategy, allow me to paraphrase a plan for protecting our hearts, minds and lives from debilitating patterns.
For Such a Time as This: Four Ways to Follow God's Leading in Disability Inclusion Ministry
Quarantined Life or Contained Life? A Choice In Difficult Times
I have been numb with depression lately. Except on those days when I am energized by anger. Some of it has to do with the pandemic and continued quarantine; some of it has to do with family relationships and health challenges. And then a daily meditation popped up, challenging me to choose a contained life.