
Teacher, Do You Not Care? How Jesus Helps Us Fight Our Fears

Teacher, Do You Not Care? How Jesus Helps Us Fight Our Fears

Special-needs parents can be overwhelmed by fear, and like the disciples in Mark 4, believe that Jesus is missing what feels to us like a huge storm! At that time they asked, “Teacher, do you not care?” and the answer is the same now as it was then.

A 2020 Prayer of a Special Needs Parent

A 2020 Prayer of a Special Needs Parent

Lisa Jamieson shares a prayer that will resonate with many families. We encourage you to pray this prayer for your family and loved ones.

Three Truths for CHD Awareness Day

Three Truths for CHD Awareness Day

February 14 is the date to celebrate love in the hearts of two people, and it’s also Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day. Initially, our daughter’s heart diagnoses came as a shock. My husband and I didn’t know how to process the diagnoses and the treatments. Years have passed, and we now have a healthier perspective. Today, I share three truths I discovered as a mom of a child with a CHD.