
Five Depression Hacks For When You are Struggling

Five Depression Hacks For When You are Struggling

I am in a significantly depressed season. Maybe you’re like me. You can give at work, but you cannot give at home. Here are my favorite—and most effective—depression hacks, and I sincerely hope they help you.

Three Truths for CHD Awareness Day

Three Truths for CHD Awareness Day

February 14 is the date to celebrate love in the hearts of two people, and it’s also Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day. Initially, our daughter’s heart diagnoses came as a shock. My husband and I didn’t know how to process the diagnoses and the treatments. Years have passed, and we now have a healthier perspective. Today, I share three truths I discovered as a mom of a child with a CHD.

How I Find Refuge When I Am Not Enough

How I Find Refuge When I Am Not Enough

When I think back on the hardest days and years of our son’s journey, I recall wanting God’s help, expecting His help, waiting for His help, while all the time trying to solve all the problems and carry all the burdens on my own. I don’t remember asking for His help or moving to Him for His help and shelter until I completely exhausted myself and physically broke.

Why I Shouldn't Justify My Fear

Why I Shouldn't Justify My Fear

My daughter has been hospitalized many times for recurring lung infections. Now, whenever my daughter has a little cough, fear swells up in me. Surely, anyone in my situation would feel this same way. I try to justify it, but it doesn’t make such fear right.