
How to Know if You Need a Marriage Mentor or Marriage Counselor

How to Know if You Need a Marriage Mentor or Marriage Counselor

Some marriages have moments of disappointment, some have challenges that are discouraging, and some might even be in dangerous and dysfunctional situations that can be devastating. whether you have a loved one with special needs or not, all marriages may show tire marks on the road that give us cause to stop and see what is needed to make the relationship better. Here are lists to help determine if you need marriage mentoring or counseling, and what each can accomplish.

Conveniences for Special Needs Parents 

Conveniences for Special Needs Parents 

There are dozens of things we’ve incorporated into our household, lifestyle and daily rhythms over the years that have helped maximize my “autopilot mode.” Let’s be real. Autopilot is a form of rest when it comes to caregiving. The “efficiency geek” in me seeks out routines and conveniences that allow me to slide through the rigors of caregiving with as much ease as possible. Today, I’m sharing some of the much-appreciated amenities at our house.