
A Sword Will Pierce Your Soul

A Sword Will Pierce Your Soul

“Have your children ever pierced your soul?” I nodded emphatically. If parenting pierced the soul of Mary, who raised a child who was fully human and fully divine, then we know that parenting will pierce our souls, too. But God has provided a means to more than make up for those painful swords.

Life Hacks for Blended Families with Special Needs

Life Hacks for Blended Families with Special Needs

When guest blogger Jess Ronne and her husband met, they were both widowed with seven children between them, including Jess’s son with special needs. Through their nine years together, Ryan and Jess have learned a few important skills—life hacks, some might say—while navigating the complicated terrain of special needs parenting in a blended family. Here are seven practical ways they’ve been able to make it a successful endeavor (most the time).