
Seven Prayers to Transform The Church’s Relationship With The Disability Community

Seven Prayers to Transform The Church’s Relationship With The Disability Community

Every year on the first Thursday in May, our nation celebrates the National Day of Prayer. Would you and your congregations join me in a week of prayer, asking God to unite us and transform the way we live among people who have disabilities?

Waiting Alongside: A Powerful Way The Body of Christ Can Support Those Who Seem Weaker

Waiting Alongside: A Powerful Way The Body of Christ Can Support Those Who Seem Weaker

Lately I’ve been focusing on being thankful. I‘ve posted “thankful posts” every couple of days, trying daily to find something to thank Jesus for. Mine is an ongoing season of caregiving for my 16-year-old twin girls who both have disabilities and will never live independently. But there is ALWAYS something to thank Jesus for: for the peace I had today, for the ones who prayed in their seats, for those who asked if we were okay, for this body of believers, who simply were there, alongside us, while we waited.

Companionship: A Response to Social Isolation and Loneliness

Companionship: A Response to Social Isolation and Loneliness

Recently, a homeless stranger approached me for assistance to feed himself and his son. We discussed many things in our brief interaction before I said to him, “You matter, and you are a person.” His response stood out to me: “It feels good to be thought of as a person.” In that encounter, I practiced Companionship, something that can be offered to anyone we encounter.