
Practicing Hospitality to Outside Groups: Podcast Episode 030

Practicing Hospitality to Outside Groups: Podcast Episode 030

In today’s episode, Beth Golik shares how practicing hospitality to outside groups has blessed her church and met fundamental needs in their community. Make sure to listen all the way to the end to hear how ministry leaders can apply to speak at DATC2023!

Five Barriers To Mental Health Services, and Some Ways Churches Can Help

Five Barriers To Mental Health Services, and Some Ways Churches Can Help

We know there are many barriers to treatment. But I want to focus in this article on practical barriers to mental health treatment, where churches can help immediately to address them.

An Invitation to Influence

An Invitation to Influence

When we see the presence of a disability in the New Testament, we are exposed to some very important Kingdom of God values that are essential in the Christian life and in the life of the local church. The value in having leaders with disabilities in our churches is that the church will remain intimately involved with the type of ministry that expresses the heart of God’s kingdom.

Companionship: A Response to Social Isolation and Loneliness

Companionship: A Response to Social Isolation and Loneliness

Recently, a homeless stranger approached me for assistance to feed himself and his son. We discussed many things in our brief interaction before I said to him, “You matter, and you are a person.” His response stood out to me: “It feels good to be thought of as a person.” In that encounter, I practiced Companionship, something that can be offered to anyone we encounter.

Empowering People With Learning Disabilities At Church

Empowering People With Learning Disabilities At Church

The church generally seeks to be a place of acceptance and care; we want to ensure that we look after all God’s children. But we must go further than caring for, we must acknowledge and encourage the gifts and talents that God has given to all His children, and that includes those with learning disabilities.

When Gifts Are Hard to See

When Gifts Are Hard to See

Keep listening to the voice of God as you ask: What gift has this person been given by God that might benefit those around them, and especially the Church? A person just being present is a gift to those around them. Who are we to judge who can and cannot have a relationship with God, or who can and cannot serve Him?