In this week's episode, Beth Golik addresses a question that many ministry leaders are struggling with: should we use the term "special needs" in our churches?
Part 3: How Churches Can Accommodate Adopted Children and Teens with Disabilities
An Invitation to Influence
When we see the presence of a disability in the New Testament, we are exposed to some very important Kingdom of God values that are essential in the Christian life and in the life of the local church. The value in having leaders with disabilities in our churches is that the church will remain intimately involved with the type of ministry that expresses the heart of God’s kingdom.
How To Develop A Spiritual Care Plan For Special Needs Families In Your Church
Caring for families impacted by disabilities and special needs often means having the calling and the commitment to provide a pastoral care experience that is based on a plan of how best to care for the needs of the family. Here are some things to consider when committing to caring for the spiritual needs of special needs families.