
Learning to Sit at the Feet of Jesus

Learning to Sit at the Feet of Jesus

I have spent my entire life as a servant. My entire life I’ve been a caregiver. But in recent years, with moment after moment of near mental breakdown, I’ve realized something: I have grown tired because I have spent my entire life running from just ‘being still.’

How the Annual Budgeting Process Can Grow Your Disability Inclusion Ministry

How the Annual Budgeting Process Can Grow Your Disability Inclusion Ministry

Our annual budgets reflect what we value, whether a family or ministry. Our values are also reflected in our budgeting methodology. Here are some approaches that can help your church build community and foster disability inclusion.

Six Resolutions to Strengthen Your Mental Wellness and Relationship with God

Six Resolutions to Strengthen Your Mental Wellness and Relationship with God

Last year was overwhelming, jolting, stressful, wonderful, beautiful, and blessed. So many crazy amazing lessons were to be found in 2020. This year, I have some specific resolutions I know I need to keep for my health. I hope you will commit to one or more of these with me.

Understanding and Engaging with Multicultural Special Needs Families - Part 2

Understanding and Engaging with Multicultural Special Needs Families - Part 2

As ministry leaders and church volunteers, how can we navigate and apply empathy towards others in ministry, whose cultures may be different from our own? Joscelyn Ramos Campbell shares 5 ways to incorporate empathy and cultural competency to diverse families within the church.

Celebrating the Interconnected Tapestry that is the Body of Christ

Celebrating the Interconnected Tapestry that is the Body of Christ

We are living in times ripe for the history books. Most of us have been weighing questions on topics ranging from the effects of isolation to medical vulnerability, racial equity and religious freedoms. Leaders in the disability movement are keenly aware of overlaps and similarities among the issues at hand. I’ve been praying that God would use this season to grow us into more compassionate and courageously engaged people, because we desperately need to start appreciating our uniquenesses and enjoying how interconnected we are.

No Place Too Small: Special Needs Ministry in a Small Church

No Place Too Small: Special Needs Ministry in a Small Church

I could talk about a multitude of things: our amazing lead pastor, our creative genius of a children’s pastor, team building and volunteer training, or leading a special needs ministry. But it makes much more sense to tell you why any church can do this special needs ministry “thing.” Because we did with a newbie ministry leader, a little bit of grit, a tiny budget, and a whole lot of prayer. If we can do it, so can you.

How To Develop A Spiritual Care Plan For Special Needs Families In Your Church

How To Develop A Spiritual Care Plan For Special Needs Families In Your Church

Caring for families impacted by disabilities and special needs often means having the calling and the commitment to provide a pastoral care experience that is based on a plan of how best to care for the needs of the family. Here are some things to consider when committing to caring for the spiritual needs of special needs families.