
Six Resolutions to Strengthen Your Mental Wellness and Relationship with God

Six Resolutions to Strengthen Your Mental Wellness and Relationship with God

Last year was overwhelming, jolting, stressful, wonderful, beautiful, and blessed. So many crazy amazing lessons were to be found in 2020. This year, I have some specific resolutions I know I need to keep for my health. I hope you will commit to one or more of these with me.

Strengthening Mental Health, Relationships and Connection: A Direction for the Church in 2021

Strengthening Mental Health, Relationships and Connection: A Direction for the Church in 2021

A few months ago, Barna Group released a book titled Restoring Relationships that looks at their research on the challenges individuals and couples are experiencing with mental, emotional, and relational health, and how the church could help. Updated for the impacts of COVID-19, the research also looked at pastors’ mental health. But the most important question of all, which can help inform ministry for 2021, may be this: do people still feel connected during the pandemic?

A Personal Look at the Mental Health Impacts of Quarantine

A Personal Look at the Mental Health Impacts of Quarantine

Recently, Joanna French and her family were quarantined after their children were exposed to COVID-19. Here’s an honest look at how quarantine impacted her mental health.

The Ultimate Church Comeback Plan

The Ultimate Church Comeback Plan

Many of the concepts that the general population have experienced for the first time in 2020 are all too familiar to some in the disability community. The new reality that many of us are experiencing for the first time is all too familiar for many families living with disabilities who face manifold barriers to leave their home on a typical day. So what if we took this opportunity to re-imagine a church that was accessible to 100% of people—rather than just the 85% who don’t live with disabilities?

Ministry Leader Insights From 2020 - So Far

Ministry Leader Insights From 2020 - So Far

Just a handful of weeks into the pandemic quarantine, I was already starting to take stock of lessons God was teaching me. In the course of time and in the newly emerging chaos of rushing back to “normal” life, I’m already struggling to remember, let alone walk out, the lessons I was so certain would not leave me! How about you? During meetings with disability leaders and a recent check-in call with a group of pastors who are navigating ministry in these times, I have heard valuable insights from varied fronts.

Please Ask Us! A Transition Season Plea from Your Special Needs Families

Please Ask Us! A Transition Season Plea from Your Special Needs Families

Churches are wrestling with how they will return to their traditions with special care for the families in their midst who are impacted by disability. There is a powerful, effective way to answer the question, “How should we handle this?” And the answer is this: just ask us.

How Disruption Can Teach Us to Include People with Disabilities

How Disruption Can Teach Us to Include People with Disabilities

By now, disruption has become a familiar friend to each of us. But though coronavirus may be new, the concept of disruption—whether from a global pandemic, broken washing machines, or relational strife—is not. In much of scripture, it seems that God uses precisely the disruption that we hate to jolt his people out of negative patterns—whether it be their blatant worship of idols or their comfortable but self-serving career paths. God does not waste these disruptions.

Three Simple Steps for Spiritual Self-Care During Quarantine

Three Simple Steps for Spiritual Self-Care During Quarantine

What has the potential to crush you? In what area of life do you need “space” for spiritual health in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis? Here are three simple steps from Jesus’ life to protect your spiritual, mental and emotional health.