
Waiting Alongside: A Powerful Way The Body of Christ Can Support Those Who Seem Weaker

Waiting Alongside: A Powerful Way The Body of Christ Can Support Those Who Seem Weaker

Lately I’ve been focusing on being thankful. I‘ve posted “thankful posts” every couple of days, trying daily to find something to thank Jesus for. Mine is an ongoing season of caregiving for my 16-year-old twin girls who both have disabilities and will never live independently. But there is ALWAYS something to thank Jesus for: for the peace I had today, for the ones who prayed in their seats, for those who asked if we were okay, for this body of believers, who simply were there, alongside us, while we waited.

Five Practical Ways Churches Can Support Special Needs Families

Five Practical Ways Churches Can Support Special Needs Families

There has never been a day I grieved my children. Still, deep in my heart, there is this grief. Please hear me when I say my children are a joy. They are the reason I have found my calling. But today, I want you to learn from my experience what the parents of special needs children may be feeling in your church, and how you can help.

When Gifts Are Hard to See

When Gifts Are Hard to See

Keep listening to the voice of God as you ask: What gift has this person been given by God that might benefit those around them, and especially the Church? A person just being present is a gift to those around them. Who are we to judge who can and cannot have a relationship with God, or who can and cannot serve Him?