Many families are grieving the loss of a loved one this holiday season. Our co-host Sandra is facing that in her own family after the loss of her sister this year. So she offers six ways churches can come alongside these grieving families to offer love and support.
Lament: A Healing Path for the Whole Church
The day we received an official diagnosis explaining our daughter’s struggles, my husband and I cried. Actually, I literally wailed and groaned for at least half an hour. Carly’s diagnosis triggered a heart cry that special needs parents, families and individuals living with disability commonly understand, and can benefit the whole Church.
How Lament Fosters Hope
Jesus Loves Me, This I Know?
What Helped My Despair
“How are you?” It’s so hard to answer! “Yes, we’re fine. We are well, we don’t have the virus, we have food, and we have medication.” BUT, and a BIG BUT—sometimes I feel like screaming! I am despairing. This morning I read Psalm 77. The first few verses were how I felt in the middle of last night. This Psalm, and remembering God’s faithfulness showed me several things that helped my despair, and may help you, too.
Five Practical Ways Churches Can Support Special Needs Families
There has never been a day I grieved my children. Still, deep in my heart, there is this grief. Please hear me when I say my children are a joy. They are the reason I have found my calling. But today, I want you to learn from my experience what the parents of special needs children may be feeling in your church, and how you can help.