In this week’s episode, Garett looks at one of the unexpected ways God has used his church to provide hope and comfort for the disability community. He also examines some of the ways God can use our churches to shepherd others through the deepest and most difficult valleys in life.
An Interview with Kristin and Todd Evans: Podcast Episode 072
In this week’s podcast episode, Catherine interviewed Kristin and Todd Evans about their experiences with mental health and marriage challenges, while parenting a child with disabilities. Kristin and Todd share how they were able to move from an incredibly challenging time to a deep, rich relationship with Christ and renewed connection with each other—with application for any couple parenting a child with disabilities.
Caring for Your Pastor's Mental Health
A Chat with Joan Borton on MarriageAbility: Podcast Episode 071
What the Church Can Learn from the Disability Community
As a senior pastor, I often tell my congregation, the church is “the ongoing witness of Jesus Christ in a broken and hurting world.” When we think about the church and the disability community, we often think about what the disability community needs from the church. I wonder, though, what does the church need from the disability community?
4 Steps for Success for Ministry Volunteers: Podcast Episode 066
How did we do that? We didn’t. The Holy Spirit did it!: Podcast Episode 060
Each summer, our Shine Disabilities Ministry team hosts Camp Freedom, which an action-packed weekend where campers with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities experience summer camp in a way they most enjoy. The blessings and the memories and the logistics from the event always leave me asking “How did we do that?” But as we see through the ministry of Peter and John in Acts 3-4, we didn’t do any of it. The Holy Spirit did it!
Different, Not Harder
Three Ways to Equip Churches to Support Individuals Who Have Experienced Human Trafficking: Podcast Episode 059
Blockbuster movies and summertime are as American as baseball, fireworks, and apple pie. However, one recently released movie addressing human trafficking is generating significant cultural conversation. Here are three ways churches be equipped to support individuals who have experienced human trafficking.