Do you want to take your disability inclusion ministry to the next level? Be like the early church, by not only meeting the need of the moment, but by using the wisdom of those who have gone before to anticipate the needs that will be predictably coming soon.
Making Churches Safe From Abuse
25 Encouraging Bible Verses for Disability Ministry Leaders
Tis the season when caring ministry leaders and volunteers typically try to do some regrouping. The Bible has generous reassurance for leaders caring for individuals and families affected by special needs. I pray you know the tremendous value of the work you do and find refreshment in God’s truth here!
How God Multiplies Ministry from within the Special Needs Community
God uses the Church in important ways to come alongside people He eventually calls to leadership. God often places people in positions of receiving essential encouragement, prayer, support and equipping. In the process, He’s revealing their potential, as well as opportunities to move them into areas of ministry with other families impacted by disability.
Recognizing a modern-day Daniel
Ministry in a post-Coronavirus world
Ministry Leader Insights From 2020 - So Far
Just a handful of weeks into the pandemic quarantine, I was already starting to take stock of lessons God was teaching me. In the course of time and in the newly emerging chaos of rushing back to “normal” life, I’m already struggling to remember, let alone walk out, the lessons I was so certain would not leave me! How about you? During meetings with disability leaders and a recent check-in call with a group of pastors who are navigating ministry in these times, I have heard valuable insights from varied fronts.
Four Areas Where Churches Can Sharpen Their Focus
We are making a deliberate shift this week in some of the resources we’re offering to help families and churches get through the ripple effects of Coronavirus. We’re emphasizing mental health, in part because of what we have learned from other countries and church leaders who are farther down the pandemic path. Here are four areas where churches can sharpen their focus ahead of the increase in mental health needs.
Takeaways from the White House Mental Health Summit
Several weeks ago, Dr. Grcevich wrote about his experience at the White House Mental Health Summit on December 19, 2019. We wanted to give our readers, especially church and ministry leaders, an opportunity to view the video transcripts of the event, and to learn for themselves how their church can be part of the growing efforts to support individuals and families living with mental illness.