John Felageller recounts his recent experience with one of the biggest challenges facing families of disability: the ability to find and become part of a welcoming church community.
Are You Called to Confront or Connect?
Whether it’s with my neighbors, the people with whom I minister; my family, my friends, the people with whom I disagree, or people I just don’t really care for, I realize that I need to be mindful of my directive: to sincerely want and need to CONNECT more than I want to CONFRONT. Here are some quick and easy steps for each of us to consider and when to take action.
Reframing Comparisons in the Season of Milestones, Transitions and Rites of Passage
Throughout the childhood and adolescence of any child there are many different kinds of milestones, transitions and rites of passage, and many changes that come along. For families of children with special needs, these can provide many opportunities for unhealthy comparison, which can sometimes be so difficult and painful.
The Importance of Stepping Outside Your Family's Comfort Zone
Five Things I Did Right - and Wrong! - as a Mom
Moms (and probably Dads, too) are constantly analyzing in the rearview mirror of life what we did right and wrong. I have worked very hard at being an intentional and “always there” mom. Due to that very fact, I have had much opportunity in our special needs life to make plenty of mistakes. Here are a few thoughts regarding my parenting that I did right (good) things, and some wrong (not so good) things!