Melanie Gomez shares how leaving behind the ease of familiar routines and comfort to take a vacation with your child with special needs provides priceless growth, reconnecting and refreshing for everyone in the family.
Your Secret or Your Story?
The child was about 12 years old and weighed about that many pounds or a few more. As a young high school aged student, I didn’t know how to relate, respond, or inquire about my friends’ sibling that I was seeing—not meeting—for the first time. I’d known my friend for at least three years, and not once did my friend mention this sibling. It was my first introduction to someone having a family member with special needs.
Seven Ways to Demonstrate Christ-Like Advocacy
I was scrolling through my social media when an image popped up that said, “Calling me mama bear is a sweet way to describe the fact that I’d tear you open if you hurt my child.” I giggled in agreement, but later pondered the question, “What does Christ-like advocacy look like for my child?” Here are seven ways I found to advocate that represent Christ well.
Three Benefits of Recited Prayers
I grew up in a small, charismatic church where long, eloquent, and unique prayers were the norm. But having my child with an intellectual disability and limited verbal speech made me understand the need to make recited prayers more commonplace. Here are three benefits of using recited prayers in special needs ministry and in families with special needs.