
Your Secret or Your Story?

Your Secret or Your Story?

The child was about 12 years old and weighed about that many pounds or a few more. As a young high school aged student, I didn’t know how to relate, respond, or inquire about my friends’ sibling that I was seeing—not meeting—for the first time. I’d known my friend for at least three years, and not once did my friend mention this sibling. It was my first introduction to someone having a family member with special needs.

Diagnosis, A Defining Moment

Diagnosis, A Defining Moment

Except for posters on 9/11 saying “We Will Remember,” life has returned to normal for those who were not directly impacted. For those of us with a child impacted by disability, there is another date that is cemented in our minds. We each have our own twin towers moment, that moment when our world came crashing down.