
Is That Everything That's Going to Happen?

Is That Everything That's Going to Happen?

I stared at the cards, more than a little ashamed by my lack of preparation for our appointment. "I know how the story starts, and I know how it's going to end. But I have no idea about what's happening in the middle." But I know the One who does.

He Turns 40; We Turned the Unexpected Journey Into a Spirit of Adventure!

He Turns 40; We Turned the Unexpected Journey Into a Spirit of Adventure!

A spirit of adventure has helped us care for Joey, and sustain us these past 40 years, and hopefully into future years. We chose to make the journey an adventure something like this, both from and to these five things.

When You Find Yourself Asking God “Why?”

When You Find Yourself Asking God “Why?”

After months of pleading these questions and God not giving me an answer, I experienced a crisis of faith that scared me. Was God a good God? Was God even real? If He was, surely He'd be answering my questions and my prayers, right? One day while journaling my struggles, sorrows, complaints and whys, I felt strongly that God was telling me I was asking the wrong question.

Diagnosis, A Defining Moment

Diagnosis, A Defining Moment

Except for posters on 9/11 saying “We Will Remember,” life has returned to normal for those who were not directly impacted. For those of us with a child impacted by disability, there is another date that is cemented in our minds. We each have our own twin towers moment, that moment when our world came crashing down.