Spiritual Growth

A Checklist for Building A Resilient Faith

A Checklist for Building A Resilient Faith

Resilience is defined as the ability to withstand or recover quickly from a difficult situation. To have a resilient faith we need to build into our spiritual lives the actions needed to recover from the hurts, the pain and the relentless suffering that dealing with disability brings. By keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus we will be able to withstand the challenges that we face. Mary Underwood shares about having resilient faith for special needs parents.

What If My Family Doesn't Fit at Church?

What If My Family Doesn't Fit at Church?

What DO you do when a child works harder to escape a room than he does work the puzzles at the table? How can you possibly know where the boundaries should be with a child who inherently has none? Where is the line between nurturing and structure? While there aren’t clear answers to these questions, there IS clear theology about our family’s place in the Body of Christ. Sherri Wirt writes a short devotional for special needs parents that feel they don’t fit at church.

Seasons of Growth

Seasons of Growth

Over the years, I have been through multiple seasons of planting and harvesting skills with my daughter. My daughter is now entering adulthood with disabilities. There are still skills that she needs to develop to make her life easier. The learning does not stop as she ages, however, the pressure I put on myself all of those years is gone. I don’t need to fix issues. I simply need to support her through them. Evana Sandusky writes on her daughter’s growth through the years and likens it to planting seeds and yielding the harvest.

How Praying Scripture Can Revive Prayers for Your Children with Special Needs

How Praying Scripture Can Revive Prayers for Your Children with Special Needs

Jenn Soehnlin writes on how praying scripture revived her life as a mom to two boys with disabilities.