
Simple Gestures That Resonate Deeply With Special Needs Caregivers

Simple Gestures That Resonate Deeply With Special Needs Caregivers

Caregivers and families impacted by disability are finding themselves most profoundly moved by the simple things these days. I’ve been wondering what ministry would look and feel like if we all just took a giant step back: back to the days of pie socials, potlucks, card clubs and barn raisings. Here are some ideas that any church or ministry leader can do.

Tips to Change Good Intentions into Culture-Changing Connectedness

Tips to Change Good Intentions into Culture-Changing Connectedness

The global pandemic increased society’s awareness about the feelings and implications of being isolated. The question remains, what will be the lasting impact of that new awareness? Lisa Jamieson offers some observations and tips for churches and ministries to deepen connection with special needs families.