Church Support

Internalized Ableism

Internalized Ableism

“I am disabled. For years that was so hard to admit. I couldn’t mention out loud my neurodivergence. I whispered about my post-traumatic stress disorder, insisting ‘I’m better now.’ I was a champion for the disabled who didn’t want to talk about her own disabilities. It was disingenuous, but I didn’t know how to come to terms with the fact that I was disabled. I was still scared that admitting my disability publicly would convince people I was not able to do anything.” Joanna French writes on her experience with disability.

A Better Question: Podcast Episode 004

A Better Question: Podcast Episode 004

In this episode, Lamar Hardwick examines how our theology influences disability ministry and how the experience of disability influences our understanding of God, faith, and life. We will talk about how understanding disability doesn’t begin with having all the right answers, but how understanding disability requires that we ask the right questions. 

Talk with Doc About Disability Ministry 101: Podcast Episode 092

Talk with Doc About Disability Ministry 101: Podcast Episode 092

Beth sits down with Doc Hunsley, the founder and executive director of SOAR Special Needs Ministry, who will be leading a Ministry Intensive at the Disability & The Church 2024 conference. Doc shares his personal journey of becoming involved in disability ministry as well as his passion for helping churches take the next step towards disability inclusion. Doc's Ministry Intensive – Disability 101 – will cover various aspects of starting and enhancing a disability ministry, including volunteer recruitment, training, programming, and curriculum. Plus Beth learns a fact about Doc that she never would have guessed.

Family Care Plans: Podcast Episode 091

Family Care Plans: Podcast Episode 091

In episode 091 of Key Ministry the Podcast, Sandra shares an idea for organizing care for disability families in your church and how the parable of the Good Samaritan provides guiding principles for how and why we provide that care.

The Power of Perspective and Flexibility in Ministry: Podcast Episode 090

The Power of Perspective and Flexibility in Ministry: Podcast Episode 090

In this week’s episode, Garett reflects on how life experiences shape our ministry perspectives while looking at the importance of being flexible in ministry with the goal of reaching more people with the hope of Jesus. He encourages us consider and embrace a ministry approach similar to that of the four friends who found a way to take their paralyzed friend to Jesus rather than allowing our preferences to dictate how we operate our churches.

Four Indicators of Momentum Shift for Mental Health Ministry: Podcast Episode 088

Four Indicators of Momentum Shift for Mental Health Ministry: Podcast Episode 088

When an impossible catch suddenly changes the direction and momentum of a game, the crowd ignites with joy and excitement. In a similar way, when ministry results start showing up, the impact is as great as that amazing catch in a game. Here are four indicators that mental health ministry is poised for a significant momentum shift.

Putting Off and Putting On: Dealing with Ministry Envy

Putting Off and Putting On: Dealing with Ministry Envy

As a disability ministry leader, do you ever feel like you are caught up in a “Bigger or Better Party?” Do you find yourself comparing the ministry God has given to you with the ministry work of others? Have you ever found yourself longing for your ministry work to be bigger or better? Or, perhaps, both bigger and better? Steph Hubach writes on ministry envy, and how we should put on love.

My 3 Favorite Things About Night To Shine Podcast Episode: 087

My 3 Favorite Things About Night To Shine Podcast Episode: 087

In this week’s episode of Key Ministry the Podcast, Beth Golik shares her 3 favorite things about Night to Shine. She shares the benefits not only for those who attend Night to Shine, but also the benefits for the church congregation and the surrounding communities!

You’re Invited: Join the Mental Health Ministry Leaders Group

You’re Invited: Join the Mental Health Ministry Leaders Group

One of Key Ministry’s most successful resources has been the SNAD Leaders Facebook group. SNAD stands for Special Needs and Disability ministry leaders. We would love for our group for Mental Health Ministry Leaders to accelerate mental health ministry as effectively as SNAD has been able to accelerate disability ministry. Here’s a quick article on what this group is about, and why you should join.

Supporting Students with Invisible Disabilities Podcast Episode: 086

Supporting Students with Invisible Disabilities Podcast Episode: 086

In this week’s episode of Key Ministry The Podcast, Sandra Peoples discusses hidden disabilities, and how we, as The Church, can better support these students with invisible disabilities.