
When I Say It Is Well With My Soul

When I Say It Is Well With My Soul

I’m fearful you may think that this blog post communicates that we are supposed to gloss over all the pain and grief in life, when I say “it is well with my soul.” But that is not the message. Learn what Horatio Spafford meant, and what I really mean when I say those six little words.

When Life Doesn't Go As Planned

When Life Doesn't Go As Planned

While icing my injury, I had plenty of time to think and pray about how to respond rightly in the future, a luxury not often available to parents of kids with special needs. So I'm passing along what God showed me about how to respond as the light of Christ when life doesn't go as planned.

What's the Big Deal About Summer Camp?

What's the Big Deal About Summer Camp?

I was brought back to the realization that families like mine have all the time. My friend really knows my family and our situation, but he just doesn’t know what family retreat means to us. How could I even begin to explain what really goes on there? I just relegated it to the usual experience of “he doesn’t get it,” but I really wish I could’ve had the “it’s not like that” speech with him.

Unafraid to Worship With Joy

Unafraid to Worship With Joy

The biggest biblical truth Luke has re-enforced for me is that our value comes from being created by God in His image, NOT by what we or our spouses and children accomplish. I still struggle with how others perceive me as a person, and as a wife and mom. But I’m thankful Jesus knows we are in the LONG process of becoming more like Him, because I for one am a slow learner.