
Four P's Experienced by Families with Disabilities

Four P's Experienced by Families with Disabilities

Over time, some wonderful things have come about that really do help us in this special needs journey. But while helpful, we also look upon some things we’ve experienced with different thoughts. Sometimes we’ve felt like we were pitied. Other times, we look back and are puzzled. Yet most of all, we are pleased! Let’s walk through our list together!

Surviving an Awkward Moment at Church

Surviving an Awkward Moment at Church

I felt awkward. I couldn’t join the conversation several other church volunteers were having about their children’s accomplishments. After one night of serving and feeling a mix of emotions, I felt impressed to examine myself in prayer. Why was I allowing this to get me down? This wasn’t a reason to quit serving at church or shrink my circle of acquaintances, as I have done in the past. It was, however, an opportunity to push into God and thank Him for the things my daughter had accomplished.